The first thought that typically comes to mind when the words “stunning” and “natural landscapes” are combined is Iceland—the otherworldly land of volcanoes and glaciers. However, despite Iceland’s seeming charm, there are other amazing places that match, if not exceed, its appeal. Regardless of your preferences for location, beauty, or price, let’s explore some lesser-known jewels that may provide experiences that are comparable to or even better.

Faroe Islands

Why? Situated between Iceland and Norway, the Faroe Islands are known for their picturesque coastal communities, tranquil fjords, and towering cliffs. These untamed landscapes are reminiscent of much of Iceland, minus the crowds.

Unique Factor: This place is especially notable for birdwatching. Puffins abound on the cliffs, particularly on Mykines, a tiny island within the archipelago.

New Zealand

Why? New Zealand is like several countries in one, with its two main islands providing everything from lush forests and captivating turquoise lakes to icy mountains and active volcanoes.

Unique Factor: Movie enthusiasts can enjoy an enthralling experience at Hobbiton, the set of The Lord of the Rings. Additionally, this is where bungee jumping originated and offers an unparalleled feeling of excitement.


Why? If you’re interested in fjords, Norway can rival Iceland in terms of availability. Numerous photo-worthy opportunities are provided by the legendary Lofoten Islands, stunning coastline, and the Northern Lights.

Unique Factor: One of the train journey’s unique features is the ever-changing scenery of mountains, waterfalls, and charming villages as it winds from Bergen to Oslo.

Patagonia and the Atacama Desert in Chile

Why? Chile, which stretches between two extremes, offers the aridity of the world’s driest desert, the Atacama Desert, and the icy, enthralling scenery of Patagonia. Every location is a wonder in itself.

Unique Factor: Valle de la Luna in Atacama is compared to the surface of the moon because of its surreal appearance. On the other hand, with its granite peaks and glacial lakes, Patagonia’s Torres del Paine National Park is a hiker’s paradise.

Scotland’s Isle of Skye

Why? This island, with its craggy coasts, magical lakes, and historic castles, perfectly captures the untamed beauty of Scotland.

Unique Factor: The folklore. Skye is soaked in myths and legends. From tales of giants to faeries, there’s a story embedded in every nook and cranny.


Why? Kyrgyzstan is a hidden gem that offers majestic landscapes akin to Iceland with a dash of Central Asian culture. Imagine horseback rides, yurt stays, and nomadic customs.

Unique Factor: Issyk-Kul Lake, the second-biggest alpine lake in the world, is a center for beachfront recreation and local celebrations in addition to being a natural beauty.

The Yukon Territory of Canada

Why? Yukon is a top spot for photography enthusiasts seeking the Aurora Borealis. It’s a true frontier experience because of its extensive wilderness, history of the gold rush, and small population.

Unique Factor: The hot springs near Whitehorse offer a delightful soak amidst snow, a touch of luxury in the wild.

In Terms of Affordability

Locations such as Kyrgyzstan might provide shockingly low prices. Expenses for everyday living, lodging, and activities can be significantly lower here than in more popular locations. In a similar vein, considering the uniqueness and genuineness of experiences, the Faroe Islands may provide higher value even though they are not always inexpensive.


Destinations like Chile or Canada’s Yukon may be more accessible for vacationers from the Americas than Iceland. The Faroe Islands or Norway may be more convenient for European travelers—not just in terms of proximity, but also in terms of connectivity.

Although there is no denying Iceland’s beauty, there are a ton of amazing places and civilizations out there just waiting to be discovered. There is a location out there that can match, if not surpass, the enchanted charm of the Land of Fire and Ice, regardless of your reasons for traveling: wanderlust, affordability, or convenience. A little bit of curiosity and the guts to choose an alternative route are all that are required.